Saturday, December 20, 2008

Look at all the snow!!!!!!!

Wow!!! We really have snow now!!! We probably have at least 3 inches...maybe I should check...anyway, my dad took Chase and I out to the high school parking lot in my car and taught us how to do doughnuts in the snow, and also how to drive safely in the snow of course... :) It was awesome!!!!! They also canceled church for tomorrow...didn't think that would ever happen...It hasn't stopped snowing all day today! It's really quite amazing! I love the snow so much!!! It's one of the things I miss most about Utah.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We haven't seen that much snow in 2 years! Thanks making Hong Kong look really warm!

    And thanks for the "good" music! I am sure that there are other Grandma's out there that appreciate it also!
