Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Poor Billy....

Bad news. Someone did a hit and run on my poor car, Billy. So I shall tell you the story. I was at work and was the ONLY car in the entire section of parking lot that I was in, and someone hit my car and ran away. So these nice people saw it happen and came into my work to tell me. So we called the cops and the nice people gave them a discription of the guy and his car and what happened and the caught him!!!! He had just been pulled over for speeding. Turns out he had a suspended license and that's why he ran so he got in BIG trouble and went to jail for the night. My dad met with him last week and got the money we needed from him to fix Billy and everything is going to be ok!! But I was very sad for my car because that was the second time in one month...geeze...

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